Saturday, January 9, 2010

We Can Make Him Better; We Have The Technology

James Cameron's Avatar experience. It's not uncommon for me to disagree with the "real" movie critics, but I'm particularly passionate about this one. Most people I've spoken with like the movie, but it can be tough to explain why. I'll try.

Movies are, and have always been, a means of traveling to an otherwise-unobtainable place, seeing what never occurred, knowing what cannot be. Movies define escapism. Enter a dark room and sit quietly while staring forward. Then leave having had fun. It's the most basic of entertainments.

James Cameron took me on a trip when I was certain I'd rather stay home. I wanted to hate the ride. I've heard people draw comparisons with Pocahontas and Fern Gully...not the highest praise in my book. Guess what: an unnamed big corporation is even exploiting the environment to please their investors. To top it off, the main character is a paraplegic! There's not much to like on paper, but oh MY: the execution makes up for it.

Not in recent memory have I wanted more desperately to be the guy who hates this movie. And for only the third time I can think of, the credits had barely finished when I wanted to turn around and watch it again.

I got into an...argument with a friend recently. We had rather different opinions of Avatar. There was merit to the opposing argument, but I dare you to go to the theater. Sit in the chairs with or without the silly glasses. I dare you to allow your mind to wander back to the days when anything was possible and only a daydream away. I dare you to sit through Avatar and not enjoy the trip, the scenery, or the imagination.

It's a long movie. Plan your snacks accordingly.

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